The next 45 minutes was taken up with sipping lots of margaritas, enjoying a cool glass of beer, discussing which red wine most people liked to drink and drinking it, eating lots of hors d’oeuvres and just general visiting between all members.
The hors d’oeuvres were a big hit, in fact a little too big of a hit. Some people ate so many hors d’oeuvres that when it came time for the main meal, people were hard pressed to eat any more. But, most everyone bucked up and ate even more food which produced lots of yawns after dinner was over.
Karen and Roger brought desserts (homemade German chocolate cake, homemade lemon pound cake and ice cream). By the time people finished their dessert, most people were approaching a catatonic state of culinary euphoria.
Fortunately everyone recovered from eating dinner and we held our monthly meeting.
Key items discussed were:
1. The lunch that was held at Middlegate east of Fallon, on the 21st of March was a great success, 19 members attended. Several members admitted they even tried the colossal hamburger Middlegate is famous for.
2. The state Samboree will be held in Winnemucca, NV, 18th through 21st of September.
3. It was agreed the June campout will be held at the Cold Spring Station RV park. This is an RV park that the chapter has not gone to for many, many years. The park is under new ownership and they were very informative when we visited after eating lunch at Middlegate.
4. No one is going to the Oregon State Samboree.
5. Chevron patches from the last Samboree where handed out.
After the meeting was over we played in a Mexican Train tournament. The buy-in was $1.00 and three rounds of play were conducted. After each round was played, players were required to switch tables. At the end of the third round the scores were tallied up for the three games and the woman with the lowest score and the man with the lowest score were declared the winners. Although it was claimed there was no collusion, somehow the hosts, Janet and Dean, both won (seems a bit suspicious).
After the tournament was over, it was past most member’s bedtime so the evening came to a pleasant end.