Copper Hills President - Jerry, Vice President - Marty, Treasurer - Kelvin, and Secretary - Janet

February 2019

The February meeting was held at Red’s Old 395 restaurant in Carson City with 22 members and 2 guests attending.  After the pledge of allegiance, our two guests from the Food Bank of Northern Nevada gave a presentation and answered questions.   They told everyone the Food Bank provides food monthly to 90,000+ people in need.  At the end of the presentation our guests invited everyone to visit their facility and thanked everyone for our 2017 and 2018 Christmas contributions.  (0ver $800).

The Treasurer report was submitted by Mary, who filled in for Kelvin.   Our bank balance is healthy.

The trail boss sign-up sheet was circulated again.    We still need a trail boss for the month of June. 

Marv spoke about the May campout and explained why the campout was moved from Rye Patch to Weed Heights. (Several groups have already signed up for the group camp site for each week in May)

The lunch at Middlegate was discussed and tentatively 10 people indicated they wanted to participate.  It was agreed to meet at the Fallon Walmart parking lot at 11:00 am on March 21st and then car pool and caravan to Middlegate.

Carol circulated a sign-up sheet for April’s  Quincy campout. 

Janet talked about March’s meeting  and handed out directions.

After the meeting was over several couples stayed and played games.