Check-in time was 1:00 pm April 24th and check-out on April 28th by noon.
Fifteen (15) rigs came to the campout, which included Mike and Denice from Eureka, Nevada (it is always great to see them). Of the fifteen rigs two were guests. The guests (Jackie & Kirk and Linda & Terry) are friends of chapter members and wanted to join us to see what Copper Hills Good Sams RV camping was all about.
When we checked in Diane and Wes had all of our members grouped together. They also told us, the day we checked in, was the first real warm spring day Quincy had experienced since the arrival of spring. Our good luck held for the whole four days we were there, because the weather was everything a person could hope for (warm, sunny, and no wind).
During the week, members took long morning walks, played several games of bocce ball, many games of Mexican train, spinners, endless rounds of rummi kubes, several games of Cribbage and we even had a zilch tournament ( buy in was $1.00) . Mike and Denice said they enjoyed playing bocce ball so much, they decided to build a Bocce Ball court on their property in Eureka.
On Saturday, we held our monthly club meeting. Near the end of the meeting Judi presented a good bye quilt she quilted to Karen and Roger. They are leaving our club to move closer to their children in Washington State. They felt with a 900 +mile commute to join us in our campouts, it might be a little difficult. They plan to look for another club in Washington to join. They will be missed
After our meeting was over we sat down for a potluck lunch, said good bye to Karen and Roger, played more games, visited and enjoyed everyone's company, knowing that when Sunday morning came, it would be time to leave.