The chapter president reported that a check for $335 was donated to the Food Bank of Northern Nevada. This was money that was collected at the chapter’s Christmas party in December. The check was presented to Joan and Mary with several chapter members attending.
We had an audit committee report of our treasure’s 2018 activities and all was found in good order.
Dean and Randy agreed to coordinate a trip in March to travel to Middlegate, Nevada to dine on their world famous GIGANTIC hamburgers with many chapter members receptive to the idea.
The chapter’s members were saddened by the news that the Desert Vagabonds have decertified. Our chapter president plans to send an invitation to any Desert Vagabond member that would like to join us at our February meeting.
The new officers elected at the end of 2018 were welcomed (Kelvin, treasurer and Marty, Vice President) and the previous officers (Harry, treasurer and Merre, Vice President) were thanked for their service.
At the close of the meeting Mary and Paul were thanked for organizing our luncheon.