Copper Hills President - Jerry, Vice President - Marty, Treasurer - Kelvin, and Secretary - Janet

March 2018

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Our March chapter meeting was held at Round Table Pizza on Damonte Ranch Parkway in Reno, Nevada.

Our President reviewed several State directors e-mails dealing with the Fall Rally.
We will have a Chapter Challenge rib cook off contest, an ATV sponsored ride in the country, skits honoring our military, and lots of games.

Copper Hills is thinking about having a skit based around a military theme with participating Chapter members.

The Fall Rally will be in Amargosa in the fall.

The President shared a letter that he had sent to the members of the Reno Renegades inviting them to join our group since they have disbanded  (only one response has been received from Del and Sherly).

Our secretary will continue to include our honorary members in our monthly correspondence.


We now have additional chapter patches if anyone needs more.

The President discussed his work on the Copper Hills website and it was agreed that no last names will be used in any posting.  

March birthdays were recognized.
Bea – 16th
Shirley – 25th
Karen – 28th
Candy – 31st

50/25/25 raffle drawing  was held with a total of $75.00 collected. The winners, Kelvin L. and    Mike M., each received $18.00. 


The next camp out will be at Pioneer RV Park in Quincy, California. The monthly meeting will be held on April 28, 2018 at 10AM.

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