Copper Hills President - Jerry, Vice President - Marty, Treasurer - Kelvin, and Secretary - Janet

January 2018

Copper Hills January 2018 News letter

Our January luncheon meeting was held at Mimi's Cafe in Reno with 31 members present. Thank you Linda and Bob for being the trail bosses and setting that up for us. We enjoyed good food and good company. 
Under old business, Carol reminded those who haven't signed up for March campout to do so as soon as possible. It will be at Meadowcliff RV park in Coleville, CA. we need 10 rigs confirmed to have use of the clubhouse.
New business discussed was how to handle club donations. Do we want to give a yearly donation so that the donation is more substantial or give to two charities. Members will voice their opinion on what charity they like and a committee will be formed to make a final decision.  
Also a suggestion was made to substitute Idaho's state rally in June for our normal campout.  It will be discussed further at our February meeting.  
The February luncheon meeting will be at Red's old 395 grill at 11:00 am. 

Birthday wishes went out to: Mary on the 5th and Jerry and Bonnie on the 16th (Yes their Birthdays on the same date)

No Anniversary's in January.

Copper Hills October 2017 Weed Heights Camp Out

Crazy Hats


Weed Heights Anaconda Statistics