Copper Hills President - Jerry, Vice President - Marty, Treasurer - Kelvin, and Secretary - Janet

May 2020


In May, the Copper Hills Chapter of Good Sams held an informal meeting at Randy and Shirley’s home located in Jacks Valley near Carson City, Nevada.  The meeting was held out doors with everyone practicing recommended social distancing norms.

The day was beautiful and the scenery was spectacular.    It was fun to see everyone, visit and catch up with what everyone has been doing.   The general theme that emerged was most people were being very careful and self-quarantining.  Some people were even staying home and having younger members of their family shopping for them.  Many people were experiencing the same problems of finding TP, paper towels, Clorox wipes, baking flour and yeast.   We all laughed at telling stories about getting really excited about finding TP or paper towels or whatever was in short supply at any particular moment in time.

In addition to visiting, we also had an informal Chapter meeting.   At the meeting our President read a letter from Food for Thought in Carson City thanking us for the food donation we had given them last month.  Marv talked about Rye Patch re-opening, however we cannot make any reservation until June 1st.  So our May Campout at Rye Patch has been postponed until September 2020. Janet and Dean told everyone they made reservations at Quincy Pioneer RV Park for April 21 thru 25, 2021 since we could not go this year.

Under new business

1. Dean and Randy talked about the group going camping starting June 8 for 4-6 days. Dean Grauvogel talked about camping in the Belmont, Manhattan and Round Mountain area and Randy talked about camping in the Austin and surrounding areas. The group voted on going to the Austin area in June 2020 and the Belmont area in June of 2021. For the Austin trip it was decided that the group would fix meals on their own and only sit together to eat if they felt comfortable doing that.   It looks like 7-8 rigs would probably go to Austin. The start of the trip will have us all meeting  at Middlegate for lunch between 11:00-11:30 and then travel on to Austin.

2. Kelvin talked about Eagle Lake campout July 9-13. We are to let her know how we feel about meals and games get together during this COVID-19 crisis.

3. Mary N. talked about a Blog about different camping sites in the United States that are free or inexpensive. To look at the blog go to

After the meeting was adjourned, dessert was served and plans were made for traveling to Austin, Nevada for our informal June 2020 campout.