Reds Old 395 restaurant. There were 23 active members present and two honorary members Jim & Merre Powell.
Jerry volunteered to be a trail boss for the month of August, but requested that he would like someone to help him.
Dean talked about Pioneer RV Park in Quincy, California. It is under new ownership. Our rate is $40.50; we will only receive a 10% discount now. Janet, Dean and Mary are the Trail Bosses for Pioneer Park on April 22-26.
Randy talked about the August camp out in Eureka. The RV campground there is full of miners and they will not have room for us. However, the Fairgrounds at Eureka will accommodate us. It will be dry camping, However, they do have bathrooms but no showers. The daily fee of $125.00 would split with whoever goes. He & Shirley went to Eureka and saw Mike & Denice. Mike & Denice gave them a lot of ideas of things to do. Things to do in Eureka are go to a Ghost town, visit the Opera House, explore tunnels, visit mine operations etc. It first was thought we would go June 24 thru June 27th; however several Copper Hills members couldn’t go then. It is under discussion to switch to Eureka for the August camp out and Jerry Bishop would do the June camp out.
Harry and Nancy were thanked for being Trail Bosses for this months meeting.