We played mexican train, zilch, 31, sequence, cribbage, horseshoes, washers, bocce ball and bean bag baseball.
We also played a new game called tractor rodeo. The object of the game was to have two team members drive an ATV through a series of orange traffic cones, while one team member is blindfolded and one is not. The blindfolded member drives the ATV guided by the non-blindfolded member using reins attached to the blindfolded member’s arms. The winner was the team that completed the course in the shortest time.
At the end of the Samboree, Copper Hills won the Spirt Flag for most points accumulated for members winning games that were played during the week. Copper Hills also won the skit competition for their rendition of a Bob Hope USO tour.
At the closing ceremonies, Jerry and Karen were thanked by the State Director for making table decorations and banners celebrating our military personnel and veterans.